Paramahansa Yogananda

Yogananda on Death:

“Take life as it comes and death as it comes. Death is really beautiful; if it were a bad thing, God would not let it happen to us. It is really freedom, an entry into another, higher life. We must utilize this life in order to realize the life beyond this one. Beyond this earth garden is the infinite land wherein we meet those whom we have thought lost. Although we must not seek death, when it comes we should know that it is the final examination for a great reward.”

Insult me not with your cries of sympathy.
When I soar to the land of eternal light and love;
it is I who should feel for you.
For me, disease, shattering of bones, sorrow, excruciating heartaches no more.
I dream joy, I glide in joy, I breathe in joy evermore.

Sri Lahiri Mahasaya

Quote from Sri Lahiri Mahasaya

“Reflect that you may have to leave this world suddenly, and leave everything behind. Make your acquaintance with the Divine now.”

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