Testimonials: September 2024

Dear Peri & Charles,

This yoga retreat was, as usual, quite spectacularly, extremely transformative. The depth of meditation and stillness opened the door for true healing in my life. This retreat did not disappoint. The weather on top of this mountain in northern California vacillated between being bathed in the sun to a mystical, cloud-soaked rain of a day, and back again, which quite perfectly reflected the changes within me as I journeyed through this process. Peri, who has been a devoted practitioner of yoga her entire life, who stays connected to source through all traumas and tribulations, is so strong in her role as Synergy Yoga founder, she has an intuitive sense of how our bodies, minds, and spirits need to interact and move through healing with yoga, that our own collective and individual healing is accelerated in this short time together. A masterful combination of yoga, meditation, sharing, lectures, and exercises sequenced to honor and nurture true transformation and healing. I left this retreat filled to the brim with health, love, spiritual strength, best practices for dealing with life, and a renewed sense of connection to myself, others, and God, which ripples through me out to everywhere and everyone now that I am down and off the mountain. I am as always eternally grateful to Peri for serving as the founder of such a right practice, Synergy Yoga, and to Charles, her husband, who keeps the engine of this practice going with his determined spirit, hard work, and persistent practice and leadership. This Synergy Yoga Retreat reminded me of how important it is to climb the mountain on a regular basis to renew my connection to this uniquely resonant touch of healing I cannot get anywhere else.

Brandy Thomas

I am completely impressed with the yoga retreats that Peri and Charles host! At first they were difficult for me but with each retreat I grow exponentially.. This last one was phenomenal! There was such a profound healing energy in our exercises. The group size was perfect and the participants were so wonderful to interact with. We had experienced and professional Kirtan yogis whose music and chanting was magical. The flow of the day was gentle and structured so well that I was able to really enjoy each practice and gain so much value and insight. I feel so blessed that I was able to go with my husband (it was his first). I can’t wait until the next one and will make it a priority!

Sharon G (August 2015)

I just got back from a three day retreat with Peri and Charles. I feel the most relaxed I've felt in a long while. The teachers were wonderful and by the end of it everyone feels like family. This is my second retreat and both times it was wonderful. The combination of doing meditation and chanting along with the asana practice puts one in a deep space that you get to take home with you. As for Peri and what she brings to the world, I first experienced her teaching years ago at a ten day yoga teacher training and I was very impressed with her knowledge of yoga. I swear she has eyes in the back of her head. She could offer alignment tips while her back is turned to you and in a room full of people she was tracking the whole class. She has a very sweet and intuitive style in leading us through some of the other exercises and processes that we did during the retreats.

Thank you guys for a lovely weekend again. Love Carl

Carl Reuter

I don’t know if my having no expectations going to this retreat effected the outcome or not. Perhaps that’s why I didn’t notice a gradual increased... good feeling?

Perhaps a slow gradual climb into a bliss state. I have to mention I was somewhat distracted, as I was called upon to give a talk on the health benefits of Kangen Water. The water they were serving for this retreat.

I have not given a formal talk in years and had a bit trepidation, which occupied my mind more than it should, which is probably why didn’t notice my consciousness slowly elevating do to the environment, etc . Once my presentation was over, and could relax and introspect a bit, talk stock of myself and surroundings, I realized my mind/soul was in a much higher place. A joyful more the true me.

Its like driving a car up a gradual slope and not realize it until you turn around and look back.

This is do in no small part to the fact that over the last few days We did several process, some more profound than others, but always interesting. As we progressed the processes took on a whole new dimension for me, as they incorporated the answers/realizations we had earlier as building blocks. On the surface they seemed simple and straight forward, in retrospect my simple obvious answers, became actually profound! A Personal breakthrough I am still sifting through.

Do to the weather we were unable to do some of the processes scheduled, but I don’t fill I missed out, It all happened for a reason and I think it worked out better. (Synergy?)

PS. My body feels much better, more flexible, and sleeping better.

Mark Warnock

Greetings Peri and Charles!

What an amazing weekend we all spent together!

The retreat was so transformative, so healing, so centering and grounding. Your processes are so genius, so well considered and designed, there is no choice but to move into our own healing process. The sharing in community is such a large part of it, and how you lead, so experienced and wise. sometimes, I am sure, feels like herding cats!

I loved our kirtan and meditations, with affirmations, helping me go so deep into the stillness and joy that is our birthright!

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful sacred land and home, your generous and kind, caring nurturing, I feel nourished on all levels!

It was also so much fun and adventure, moving through the processes and sharing experience with each other, furthering our own personal growth as we experience in community.

So much love to you both and to all my fellow retreatants. I wish this fulfilling experience for all!

Jai Guru


Dear Peri and Charles

This retreat is both of you illuminated by the heavenly beings that you are.

Thank you again and again and again for your presence, commitment to hold healing space for the mortals (grins)

What a gathering for each of us to share vulnerability, truth, courage, strength and wisdom. The gift of each soul present shined so brightly in the sacred space you both created, like fruit ripening on a beautiful tree.

My personal experience was physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually transformative. Having been so deflated physically with who knows what, my first day of the retreat had intervals of supine rest in between or activities. I know from experience your retreats and what we accomplish with our yoga and soul growth would absolutely heal me, renew my energy and bounce me back to “life” and [string of emoticons]

Peri your yoga nidra is such an incredible gift of healing and a special vibration and channeling from the highest realm. Every time it is so profound and instantaneously healing.

All activities so sacred designed to allow our openness trust faith and joy.

Fellow yogis, your music, chants, kirtan, verbal and silent affirmations, kangan chemistry and voice touch hearts and bolster each others’ spirit.

Thank you tall sacred tree, Ms Oh - MMMMMMMM

delicious nourishment and space

Thank you for all the blessings

Sara B [more emoticons]

Dear Peri and Charles,

What divine timing and perfect synchronicity we were blessed with during this most wonderful summer retreat! Thank you for welcoming us again and for your caring attention to each evolving moment. Besides the concentrated effort, expertise, inspiration, and attunement it takes to make these retreats possible, it is always magical to discover the many gems of wisdom, beauty, and loving care that seem to be magnetically drawn from all corners of the universe to greet us as we draw together our hearts and minds to listen, learn, and grow – guided by the most precious gift of these raja yoga principles.

When I was getting ready to travel up here, it was such a scramble to try to remember the routes and routines I needed to plan. But as I got closer and closer to Rancho Tranquillo, I began to notice and remember the sweetness that shows up to pave a sparkling path forward when the destination is spiritualized and infused with harmonious collective spirit. I started to see every interaction as a treasure and started looking everywhere for more evidence of this evernew guidance and inspiration

It is amazing how much recalibration can happen in a few days when a group is intentionally present, compassionately guided, and full of aspirational intentions. Your special combination of discipline and expert responsiveness kept us on track, receptive, and full of trust. It was so restorative to pause my habitual consumption routines and default activities and allow the yoga postures to show me the many healing patterns and sources of energy that are constantly available. I always learn new ways of moving inner and outer energy during the Synergy retreats. Each transition between exercises, chants, activities, etc., seemed to open new channels for fresh energy to more naturally flow through my spine, mind, and whole body.

And to experience this within your beautiful crafted yoga spaces is deeply inspiring to me. It gives me so many ideas of how artful and spiritualized the world can be. This time to live, move, and be in the kaleidoscopic patterns of spirit and nature is a nourishing gift. It was also such a privilege to receive the many generous offerings from everyone at the retreat. Each simple gesture of material, creative, spiritual, and other supports seemed to have exponential effects on my sense of wellbeing and faith in the world. I saw how precious every small and great expression of kindness and prosperity truly is.

Thank you for the yoga...plus artful, nourishing food, water, thoughts, friendship, and love, divine.

Namaste and most grateful pranams,

Sara J.

Thank you again for a wonderful and welcoming experience. I am still processing it (in a very good way!) Here is my, long overdue, short take on the retreat.

In my experience, one of the hallmarks of a truly transformative event is that it continues to evolve in the aftermath. That has been absolutely true for this wonderful weekend retreat of Synergy Yoga.

I continue to feel a transformation as the days and even the weeks have passed. It was my first Yoga retreat and Peri, Charles and the other participants were so loving, kind and welcoming it immediately felt like I had come home. The music and chanting was magical, the fellowship divine and the venue absolutely perfect. I am looking forward with great anticipation to the next event!! Thank you Peri, Charles and all the other beautiful Yogis I have been blessed to meet.


Mark Grabovac, MD

I have a free moment now so I am closing my eyes to go back to the Synergy yoga center with you both and everyone we met during these 3 magical days!

We can’t wait to reconnect with everyone during another yoga retreat also! We do have also restrictions about the weather when it is raining especially at times when we cannot cross the Big Sandy river.

These 3 yoga retreat days were magical, inspiring, and pure enjoyment! It was a magical time of growth through the practice of yoga postures and the different processes. We shared so many lovely moments ! The meditations lead by Peri were a gift as well as the openness of our hearts through chanting , and Charles delightfully teaching the different yoga postures with enthusiasm. . A sacred celebrated time of sharing, giving and receiving! A marvelous time of connecting heart to heart and soul to soul! A joyous time to feel our divine connection with our beloved Creator! Thank you Peri and Charles for your precious united hearts and gifts that make Synergy yoga retreat so special!

With love divine,


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