On Peri’s Birthday

Charles Defay

Peri in Hawaii

On this day, I thought it was fitting to honor Peri, Founder of Original Synergy Yoga, for 36 years of Synergy Yoga, starting a year after her arrival in the United States in Encinitas, in 1988. We have seen her work of Synergy Yoga literally spread all over the world.

Born on the 4th of July ‘into’ yoga, her mother practiced whilst pregnant with Peri. Peri studied throughout her life and eventually arrived in Encinitas to be a nun in Self Realization Fellowship, but there were other plans for her! She started teaching at Michael W’s office on 2nd St, relocating down the block after a few years, creating one of the largest studios in Southern Ca. Thousands of students local and from many other countries, took the training and started yoga studios and many of the local teachers trained at The Synergy Yoga Room.

Gentle instruction

We have received much gratitude over the years, from students and teachers-in training alike. And for the careers built on the Training and Apprenticeship at Original Synergy Yoga with Peri’s teachings and techniques. She is an extraordinary “Teacher of Teachers.”

The enthusiasm, wisdom, integrity and joy she has in her work, service, and life, has been, and is, an inspiration to many. Mostly it is the love that is behind the profound healing and energy we receive from her, and her work, and from her love and loyalty to whom she receives, as she says, “everything”,from her Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, and His Divine Teachings.

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