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December 2023 Newsletter - page 2

The Best Gift!

Paramahansa Yogananda's Book,
Autobiography of a Yogi,
read in almost every university in the world and translated into over 50 languages. It is continuously on bestseller lists and has moved hearts and minds worldwide for over 75 years. It has been written numerous times.

"This book will change your life."

A must read, especially now in these tumultuous< times on the planet, Yogananda's story written in the most beautiful way with stunning accounts and enlightening information of the truth, about why we are here and what it's all about. Available from Bookstore at Yogananda.Org and all places books are sold.

"A life saving, life changing book"
cover: Autobiography of a Yogi

Our website is once again up and running, and you can order Digital DVD's of your favorite classes, as well as books and other items from the Store section at or call 707 350 0394 for order information. And a reminder that you can practice the Synergy Yoga Basic 5 Posture Flow with Peri on our website and utube for free. Our gift to you! Incorporating this quick 10 minute yoga flow into your daily life is the best positive habit to create!

cover, 20-minute Flow DVD cover, 20-minute Flow DVD cover, 20-minute Flow DVD

. . . and about one and a half more pages . . .

file updated 5 December 2023
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